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Author Guidelines


Scientific Review and Acceptance:

Manuscripts submitted for publication will be subject to double-blind review. A cover letter stating on behalf of all authors that the work has not been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere is expected. The cover letter should also state that all the authors have contributed significantly to the preparation of this manuscript and that they all agree with its content. When submitting research papers, a statement regarding ethical approval must be included. The final decision concerning the manuscript will be sent to the corresponding author within 4-6 weeks from the submission date.

English Language Editing:

Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their manuscript professionally edited by a language expert or a native English speaker before submission. Submitted manuscripts that require major language revisions will be returned to the corresponding author with the note that they should be professionally edited by a language expert before being resubmitted to the journal.

Copyright policy:

Authors publishing in the International Journal of Caring Sciences (IJCS) retain the copyright of their work and grand to the journal the right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Any work published in the IJCS may be shared across any medium on condition that attribution is given to the authors and journal as the source of the material.

Conflict of Interest:

All potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed in the appropriate section of the “Publishing Agreement Form”. Conflicts of interest include any personal or financial relationships with other persons, organizations, or institutions that have interest or competition with the content of the manuscript.

Manuscript Preparation and Submission

Manuscripts should be double-spaced, use font size 12, and must be no more than 3.500 words (excluding abstract, tables, figures, and references). All margins should be 2.5 centimetres (or 1 inch). Authors should keep in mind that submitted manuscripts which are not formatted according to the journal’s instructions will be returned to the authors for amendment before entering the review process. Please, pay special attention to the instructions on how to format references and ensure that references mentioned in the text are included in the reference list and vice versa. Manuscripts should be submitted via email to the address written in the Contact us section of the present web site.

Title Page:

The title page should be submitted as a separate file, not included in the main manuscript. It should start with a concise and comprehensive title. Below the title should be the authors’ names (in the form: last name followed by first name), their qualifications, job title/s, place of work, and email addresses. The title page should also include the name and the postal address of the place where the work was carried out. The corresponding author's full postal address, telephone number, and email address must be provided in the title page.


The first page of the manuscript should start with the manuscript’s title followed by the abstract. The abstract should be no more than 300 words. It is preferred that the abstract includes the following parts: Background, Objective or Aims, Methodology, Results, and Conclusions.

Key Words:

Below the abstract, the authors should provide a maximum of eight key words.

Main Text:

Original Research papers should include the following parts: Introduction, research questions and hypothesis, Background, Methodology, Results, Discussion, acknowledgements, and Reference List. Case reports should include the parts: Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, Acknowledgements, and Reference List. Review papers may use their own relevant headings followed by Discussion and Reference List.


All contributors (other than the authors) who have made a substantial contribution to the manuscript should be listed in the acknowledgements section. Sources of support or funding should also be listed in this section.


The Harvard referencing system should be used in the preparation of the manuscript. Text: In the text, the references should state the author’s last name and the year of publication. In case that there are two or three authors, then all last names should be cited. If there are more than three authors, then the first author's last name followed by "et al." should be cited in the text, but all authors should be included in the Reference List. Page numbers should be given in the text for all quotations used. In case that two or more references are cited together, they have to be cited in chronological order.

Reference List

For articles:

Authors’ last names and initials of first names, year of publication in parenthesis, title of paper, full name of journal, volume number, and first and last page numbers. Example: Black A. & White B. (2007) Title of paper. International Journal of Caring Sciences 1:12-16.

For books:

Authors’ last names and initials of first names, year of publication in parenthesis, book title, publisher, town, country of publication. Example: Black A. & White B. (2007) Book title. Publisher, Town, Country.

For a chapter of an edited book:

Authors’ names, year of publication in parenthesis, title of chapter followed by the names of the editors of the book, book title, publisher, place of publication and country, and first and last page numbers. Example: Black   A. & White B. (2007) Title of chapter. In: Green C. & Brown D. (Editors) Book Title. Publisher, Place, Country, 125-137.

For web references:

The full URL and the access date should be written in the Reference List. Any additional information (such as year of publication, source of publication, etc.) should be provided if known.

References stated as being "in press" are acceptable only if they are accompanied by proof of acceptance.

Figures and Tables:

All figures and tables must be numbered in sequence with Arabic numerals and must have a comprehensive title. They should not include any abbreviations. Figures and tables should be at the end of the submitted manuscript (after the Reference List). Before submission of a manuscript, approval for reproduction/modification of any figures and tables that have been published elsewhere should be obtained from the copyright holders.

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© 2008 - 2019 Ε-ISSN: 1792-037X  International Journal of Caring Sciences